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                Welcome toShenzhen Songlitai Technology Co., Ltd.!

                PCBA Industry Top Brand

                With superior conditions for R & D, sales and production


                0086 755 23599180
                Position:Home>>英文>>About Us>>Profile

                Shenzhen Songlitai Technology Co., Ltd. was established in March 2004. It is located at No. 21, Nanling Road, Xiner Community, Xinqiao Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. It is adjacent to the main road of National Highway 107, with convenient transportation and beautiful environment. The company is mainly engaged in the production and sales of intelligent controller series products. The factory area is more than 6,000 square meters, with a total of 40 patch lines, 5 plug-in lines and 25 post-welding lines. There are more than 400 employees (including 30 people with bachelor degree or above, more than 36% of the company's total number of people with college degree or above, and more than 50 senior and experienced R&D team members and quality personnel). Equipped with advanced R&D and testing equipment, it has the advantages of one-stop service such as R&D, sales, production and after-sales. 

                The company specializes in intelligent controller technology research and development, product design, software services, and product manufacturing. The high-tech enterprise is based on technological innovation as its core competitiveness, based on the development of standardized and international operation management, and is based on large-scale and intensive operations. Competitive industry.
                With advanced production, testing and test equipment, the company's production and experimental equipments rank among the leading domestic level. At the same time the company's product manufacturing, design and service have passed ISO9001: 2000, ISO14001: 2004, OHSAS18001: 2001 and QC080000 system certification

                The company cooperates with the main customers

                Chinese domestic business connections:

                Hexing Foundation (mobile phone connection), CAREER (FPC device connection), Junzheng (WIFI module), TCL Changhong Mega Code, DJI, Volkswagen, Great Wall

                Heyi Electric, Midea, WIK, Tianzhu Electric, Spar, Angel, Datongying Technology, Jiehe Electric

                Japanese business connections:
                FUJITSU Fujitsu, PANASONIC, Panasonic, MICROSOFT, SAMSUNG

                NIDEC Nidec Corporation, MITSUMI Japan Sanmei Electric, SANYO Japan Sanyo Electric

                  Meizhi, Hitachi, DT (Japanese trading company), Kaga Electronics, Omron, Tiger

                The main production equipment:

                1、SMD ASSEMBLY MACHINERY(JUKI BRAND)          ???? 52 SETS

                        (MASS PRODUCTION ASSEMBLY LINES)        ????  20 SETS

                2、reflow oven    NS-800II/800                                          ????  26 SETS

                3、Dispensing machine (AXXON)                                          ????  6 SETS

                4、 Solder Paste Printer   DSP-1008/AK-1250SP                           ????   12 SETS         

                5、UV SOLIDIFYING OVEN                                              ????   4 SETS

                6、DRYING OVEN                                              ????  1 SETS

                7、DRYING CABINET(CONSTANT THERMAL SAFE CLOSET          ????   1 SET

                8、WAVE PEAK SOLDERING   FM-350                                            ????    3 SETS


                main inspection equipment:

                1、SMD ASSEMBLY MACHINERY(JUKI BRAND)          ???? 52 SETS

                        (MASS PRODUCTION ASSEMBLY LINES)        ????  20 SETS

                2、reflow oven    NS-800II/800                                          ????  26 SETS

                3、  Dispensing machine (AXXON)                                        ????  6 SETS

                4、 Solder Paste Printer   DSP-1008/AK-1250SP                          ????   12 SETS         

                5、UV SOLIDIFYING OVEN                                             ????   4 SETS

                6、DRYING OVEN                                              ????  1 SETS

                7、DRYING CABINET(CONSTANT THERMAL SAFE CLOSET          ????   1 SET

                8、WAVE PEAK SOLDERING   FM-350                                            ????    3 SETS

                Contact Us
                Shenzhen Songlitai Technology Co., Ltd.
                Tel:0086 755 23599180
                Address:21 street manhole two communities Nanling